Spicy Mama

(G,*G T100 R094 Cut time 2:01 Range:?-L?-H?) ©2003 Michael Thomas (09/21/03, v8 08/25/04)
(Singer: Male)

Verse 1 (Intro: 1 Bar of G)
1                     4              
- Red hot spicy mama, - Kids are gone, baby let's a
1                            5
- Stir up some tempting Jambalaya
1                          4        
- I ain't thinkin' of food,- I'm in a lovin' mood,
        1                 5              1
I wanta cook up somethin' - exciting and new
4        1           
Hey..ee, spicy mama
2                       5
My chili pepper, are we gonna?
4        1           
Hey..ee, spicy mama
.                5           1
Passion's piping hot, do you wanna?
Verse 2 
1             .        4               .
- Your no but yes look - That flirtin' got me hooked
1                                   5
- I'm game for a wild kiss from the cook
1                                      4
- How about a little teasin' mama, and then a whole lot of pleasin'
1             5             1
- I'm cravin' for some misbehavin'
        4                            1
I got a role of a hundred ones, how about a sexy lap dance.
      4                          5             
Right here in our kitchen, let's heat up our romance.
1                5           4             1
Passion's piping hot, do you wanna?- Spicy mama.
(Special thanks to my wife's spicy inspiration and my Mom's spicy input.)
(Rhyme: V:A,A,B,B C:A,A,A,A B:A,A)