Strokin Down The River

©2007 Michael Thomas (©05/14/07, v1 05/14/07)

, (Chant) Strokin,
Strokin down the River,
(Chant) Strokin down the River
I'm singing down the River,
(Chant) I'm singing down the River
While strokin down the River,
(Chant) While strokin down the River
(Chant) Strokin,
Strokin down the River,
(Chant) Strokin down the River

Verse 1
Give me an S_t_r_o_k_i_n, (Chant) S_t_r_o_k_i_n
(Chant) S_t_r_o_k_i_n
What does it spell?,
(Chant) Strokin    
What does it spell?,
(Chant) Strokin
Strokin down the River,
(Chant) Strokin down the River

Verse 2
Give me an R_i_v_e_r, (Chant) R_i_v_e_r
(Chant) R_i_v_e_r
What does it spell?,
(Chant) River
What does it spell?,
(Chant) River
Strokin down the River,
(Chant) Strokin down the River