by Michael Thomas
Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. Since it is Java-based, this build tool is designed to work across multiple OS platforms. Configuration files are XML based. If you execute a shell based command it will execute based on the OS.
( Home Page: Free Web Tutorials on Java & Web Technologies )
Ant Installation - steps to install and test Ant.
Ant First Steps - Hello World Tutorial - create your first Ant build.
Ant Command Line Help - a quick reference for the command: ant -help
Topics for future Ant Tutorials:
Ant & XDoclet - use both to create/maintain your web.xml file with small doc comment changes to your .java files.
Ant & log4j (maybe others)
Ant & JUnit
Ant & Eclipse
Ant & Tomcat (.war & .ear files)
Ant & Struts
Ant & JavaDocs
Ant & Logging
Ant & JBoss
Ant & CVS
Ant & Mail
Ant & SQL Execution
Ant & FTP
Ant & EJB
Ant & RMI
Ant & Swing based programs (ie: JBuilder)