Coursebuilder & LMS/EMS systems
This web page contains information on how to use Macromedia's Dreamweaver 3
w/Coursebuilder to create test questions or survey questions and save the
interaction data to a LMS system via an AICC interface.
- Download (1M zip file) all files
involved in this example.
- Single Page with Multiple Questions
Single Page with Multiple Questions - Multiple Choice, Multiple Select,
True/False, Single Text. When the "Finished Test" button is
click JavaScript will check to see if all questions have been disabled
(completed) and the Calculate and send the Score, Time, and
"Completed". If not completed, an alert will popup listing
the questions you've missed.
- Survey Examples
(Concern: For text & text area questions, you need to verify if
the text information is making it to LS4. An entry is created in LS4
with some data (interaction name, etc...), however the text entered may not
be. This may be a bug or a AICC standard. I had limited time and
resources to verify this.)
- SurveyA_set.htm - Example (in a new window
via target="_blank")
- SurveyA_startup.htm
- Launch surveyA_startup.htm which launches surveyA_set.htm in a new window
without tool bars which has 2 frames: surveyA.htm and a hidden frame
- SurveyB_set.htm -
Similar example.
- Simple Course w/ last page sending "Completed". No
questions or persistent data.
- Launch a play a simple course. One of the links will load and
automatically send a "Completed" status to the LMS system using
the body tag onLoad property.
Coursebuilder Instructions for Each Interaction/Object
- This information was created for Dreamweaver 3 w/Coursebuilder's
additional addon product.
- Add a coursebuilder object.
- Click on the Coursebuilder Icon located under the object. Then click
on "Edit" in the properties box.
- Under the "General" Tab
- Make sure the "Knowledge Track" option is checked.
This will allow the data to be sent to the LMS system when the
interaction is Judged.
- For "Judge Interaction" you have 3 choices.
- When the user clicks a button. Good for test questions.
- When the user clicks a choice. Good for survey questions.
- On a specific event. I've used this when sending information
directly after a page loads.
- I'd use one of the first 2 unless you want to get techy.
- For "Text Area" boxes, there is an option called
"Create a Reset Button" that you way want to uncheck.
- Interaction Name - To my knowledge this information is transferred to
the LMS system. I know it is not keep in the knowledge object
('G01' etc..) in the DOM. It is just an html tag that I think is
used by coursebuilder while you are building in Dreamweaver.
- Under the "Tracking" Tab you have tracking options
- Interaction ID - For each coursebuilder object (now know as an
Interaction) create an unique ID. This is the ID that will be used
in the LMS reporting.
Example: (You can be creative here if you want.)
- For Surveys: s01, s02, s03, etc...
- For Questions: q01, q02, q03, q04, q05
- Objective ID
- I'm not sure. I haven't used this option. I leave
these blank.
- Weight
- I'm not sure. I haven't used this option. I leave
these blank.
- Under "Choices" Tab
- For Survey questions choose the option "choice is: Not
- Choice Option properites
- For surveys, it may be helpful to change the name property to
something that's easy to understand when looking at the LMS
reporting system. The default is choice1, choice2,
etc... You may want to use "strongagree",
"agree", "neutral", "disagree", "strongdisagree"
- "Action Mgr" Tab
- For Text Area type Survey Questions you will want to remove (or cut)
the "Popup Message" under "else if Unknown
- For Survey questions you will probably not need to have an entries in
the Action Mgr. You can leave the defaults.
Adding an Action Manager Interaction
- In the survey example above, I added an "Action Manager"
interaction to send a completion status to the LMS system, pause to wait for
the data to reach the system, and then close the window.
- Steps to Add the Action Manager Interaction.
- When you add the coursebuilder interaction choose: "Action
- "General" Tab
- For Judge Interacton, I choose "when the user clicks a button
labeled: Submit"
- Check "Knowledge Track"
- "Tracking" Tab
- Don't enter any info. You don't want an interaction entry
however you do want the "Action Manager" events to run
under the "Action Manager" tab.
- "Action Manager" Tab
- Add a Segment: The pull down choices is defaulted to
"Segment" so click on "ADD". I named mine:
Send Complete Status to LMS
- Segment Evaluation - I'm not sure what this does. I just use
the default.
- Send the Lesson Status: Click on the pull down and choose:
"Send Lesson Status"
- Click on "ADD"
- The default status is "Passed". I changed mine for
Surveys to "Completed". Click OK
- Next, set a timer to close the window down. My experience
(hard knocks) says that you need to wait at least 4 seconds before
you close the browser. If not, for people using modems on slow
connections the status will not reach the LMS system.
- Set a Timer to Close the Browser: From the pull down select
"Call JavaScript". Click "Add"
- Enter: setTimeout( "parent.window.close()", 3000 );
Note: This may change depending on how you launch from the LMS
LMS System Configuration
The examples can be launched from a LMS (Learning Management System).
They have been tested with LearningSpace 4.0 (referred to as LS4).
- LearningSpace 4.0 configuration (I assume you are familiar with the Admin
- Sign in as an administrator in the admin module.
- Click on Home
- Click on "Global Setting" at the top of the page.
- Under the section "Tracking Settings" make sure
"Enable Independent Tracking" is checked. I usually
leave "Tracking Server Hostname" empty. I'm not sure
when you would need it.
- Click on the Planner Module
- You may need to create a Course or you will be editing one. Same
thing at the Activity level.
- Take the Course Offline and then check out the course with all of the
descendent items.
- Choose the Activity that is launching the courseware that you want to
- Activity Properties
- URL - Put the following:
- Check - "Save responses in the Database". This
only applies to Interactions. Each question in our survey is
an interaction. This does not apply to sending the course
completion status.
- Progress - For our example, our Survey will set the completed
status so lets choose "Set as Started after launch".
- Launch Option
- "Content Area".
- Choose this option and launch survey_set.htm which sets up
a cmiframe & a main content frame. DON'T check
"Standard Tracking Frameset". You can also
launch survey_startup.htm this way. Using LS4 "survey_startup.htm"
will replace the content area with the standard student
window after it has launched the course.
- Warning: You cannot
load survey.htm because a cmiframe is needed for the
responses back from the LMS system. Unless you want
the LMS to create an ugly window with the responses.
- "New Window" ( must check "Standard
Tracking Frameset" )
- Launch survey_set.htm which sets up a cmiframe & a
main content frame.
- Warning: If you don't
check "Standard Tracking Frameset" when you use
"New Window" you may get the "page cannot be
found" error I receive whenever Coursebuilder
posts to the LMS after you answer a question.
- Launch tracking frameset - DO NOT CHOOSE
- Optional Tracking Frameset URL - leave blank
- Check the course back in and then place it online.