Dreamweaver is a web site creation tool.
Dreamweaver supports the latest innovations on the Web such as
Dynamic Publishing, E-Commerce, XML, Dynamic HTML, and Cascading Style Sheets.
Techy Web designers will enjoy the Roundtrip HTML and Roundtrip XML features
built into the HTML/XML editor. Dreamweaver has done a very good job on building
a GUI interface to setting almost every attribute available to HTML/JavaScript
object models. Their GUI design interface with real-time look-and-feel is
From a technical view, it looks like Dreamweaver has tried to add every
attribute that exists in an HTML object. I am very pleased with the product.
Competitors: FrontPage by Microsoft, NetObjects by IBM, Homesite, BBEdit,
GoLife by Adobe
Dreamweaver Resources (by Macromedia)
- Dreamweaver - professional web site design tool (DHTML, XML, CSS,
E-Commerce, etc...)
- Download a trial version, and information about.
- CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver - visual authoring tool developed
specifically for the creation of testing instructional web pages (assessment
tests, etc...).
Download a trial version, and information about.
Support Link.
- Attain Objects for Dreamweaver2 - (replace by CourseBuilder)
- developers center, tech notes, user groups, forums, etc...
- Dreamweaver vs UltraDev - UltraDev is a Dreamweaver type product
that also has capability to create ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, and other server
Tutorials, Help, Discussion Groups etc...
- http://www.macromedia.com/learning/examples/
- Short tutorials for Authorware, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, Pathware
(delivery by LMS)
CourseBuilder - Go to above link. Then choose "Online
Tutorials", then "CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver tutorial",
then "Demonstrating CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver".
- Help & Tutorials within the Product (also in the Trial Version)
(A must !!!)
Steps: Start, Program Files, Dreamweaver, now choose the "Welcome"
html file for the product your interesed in (ex: dreamweaver). Search for
the link to "HTML Help Pages"
- Discussion Groups
- Technical News Group, monitored by tech support
Paste the below URL into your browser and it will call your news software.
Assessment Tests using Coursebuilder.
- You will need Dreamweaver2 w/ Attain Objects or Dreamweaver3 w/CourseBuilder
to do Assessment Test.
- HTML Help Tutorials (Dreamweaver Attain Objects)
1) Follow instructions above for "Help & Tutorials within the
2) Choose "Attain Objects for Dreamweaver Contents"
3)Choose "Multiple-Choice Interactions", also "Scoring and
Data Tracking". Other links are also good.
- Example Assessment Test (only one question):
In your explorer go to the program directory (see example below):
Ex: C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 2\Tutorial\Attain Objects
Next, Click on "MultileChoice.htm"
- Guided software emulation.
Not exactly the best for Assessment Test, but should be helpful for a
beginner. Once you at the link below click on "Working in Course
Builder for Dreamweaver"
My Examples & Notes
Pulldown Menu Example Using Dreamweaver & Layers
- Example of pulldown menus using Dreamweaver, layers, and cookies for
persistent storage of completion status.
download - download a zip of the files
Product Review & Examples
- A review & samples that I created.
Timeline - Example of
Dreamweaver's timeline (animation) feature using their custom JavaScript
Coursebuilder -
(under construction). I've used Dreamweaver w/Coursebuilder to create
WBT that interface with LMS systems. Unfortunately I can not demo that