FTP Info
This web page has info about using FTP to upload web pages to a server.
- FTP - File Transfer Protocol
- FTPS - FTP over SSL - supported natively by Microsoft's Win 2008
- SFTP - FTP over SSH - NOT supported natively by Microsoft.
Need to install a client/server software.
- http://filezilla-project.org - filezilla - free download
- Quote from site, "The free FTP solution. Both a client and a server are
available. FileZilla is open source software distributed free of charge
under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
- Client Version - download and install if you want to connect to FTP/SFT
- Helpful notes: Access SFTP/FTP sites.
- Click "File", "Site Manager"
- Click "New Site"
- Give the site a name for your viewing in the upper left
corner under "My FTP Sites".
- Click on the "Host" field. Enter the hostname or IP address
- Logon Type - I normally use "normal".
- Enter your User Name & Password.
- Click "Save and Exit".
- Click "File", "Site Manager", Click on the FTP Site you
created, then click "Connect".
- "Advanced Tab" - I normally put in the "Default local
Directory" and the "Default remote directory".
- Once you connect notes:
- Once you connect use the "Remote Site" section to locate
the files you want. Use the "Local Site" section to
locate the directory you want to place the files in.
Next, drag the file from the "Remote Site" panel to the
"Filename" panel and the download will start. The
bottom section will display the "Local File" names and the
status (percent complete) of the files.
- http://www.ipswitch.com
- WsFtp - FTP software. You can get a free trial version and the real
thing for ~ $40.
- http://www.jgaa.com/ - WAR FTP Daemon
- is the FREE premier FTP server for Windows.
- WU-FTP - supports supports the checkpointing and restart capabilities
- http://www.ftpx.com - FTP Explorer. Free for
Home & Educational use.
- Use IE or Netscape (limited functionality): (notes, format, &
- Some versions of IE have allowed me to create & delete directories
and add & delete files. I think the later versions have
removed some of these options.
- ftp://<account>:<password>@<servername>. (ex:
- ftp://<servername> (ex: ftp://ftpserver.com )
FTP Secure (FTPS) (aka FTP over SSL)
- IIS7 supports Secure FTP (FTPS) which is FTP over SSL (Secure Socket
- Filezilla
- Server Type: FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption) or FTP
over SSL (explicit encryption)
- Port: varies depending on Server install.
- General info
- Port 22 - default port unless changed.
- WinSCP
- Filezilla
- Server Type: SFTP using SSH2
- Port: varies depending on Server install.
- Putty - I use the DOS functions to SFTP files.
FTP (Java Solutions)
- FTP Bean Suite - Java classes for FTP solutions. I had some problems
(return code = -1 when transmitting a file) and had to drop it. Maybe
later release will work.
Download Tools
My Examples & Notes
- DOS's FTP Command - Notes on using DOS's FTP.exe
- If FTP is loaded on a local server:
- FTP using a browser:
- ftp://<hostname>/<optional pathname>
- ftp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<optional
- Note: You may need to set some "Advanced" Internet
Options as follows:
- Check - Enable folder view for FTP sites
- Check - Use passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)
- FTP Accounts
- Setup a regular user - type=User.
FTP Misc Info
- Robocopy - Windows Resource Toolkit - use to delete directories
hackers place in ftproot.
- Sometimes hackers will create directories under the inetpub/ftproot
directory that you can't delete via windows explorer.
- Here is the steps:
- Copy any of the good files & directories in "ftproot" over to a
temp directory called "ftproottemp".
- Now do the following:
robocopy ftproottemp ftproot /MIR
- The above command copies all of the files from ftproottemp to
ftproot and then purges (deletes) any files that does not exist in "ftproottemp"
because of the Mirror option - /MIR.
- Now delete the temp directory using windows explorer:
- Your finished!!!