Advanced Java Topics
(Free Web Tutorials & Resources)
by Michael Thomas
This web page has free web tutorials on advanced Java topics
( Home Page: Free Web Tutorials on
Java & Web Technologies )
Advance Java Topics (Web Tutorials & Resources)
- JAR - tutorials and resource on creating JAR
- Sending Emails with Java
- Applets
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) (under construction)
- Java & OS Platforms
- Logging with Java
- Java & Networking
- Ping program (Java Application).
- Future Topics - Web Tutorials & Resources.
- Log4j - Not Available
- JUnit - Not Available
- Java Servlets - Not Available.
- Java Server Pages (JSP) - Not Available.
- Java Servers (sockets) - Not Available.
- Java and XML (JDOM) - Not Available.
- Javabeans - Not Available.
- Java Applets - Not Available.
- Java Applications - Not Available.
- iText - create PDFs dynamically -
Apache Projects
- Apache Projects - Tutorials &
resources on Apache projects: Tomcat, Struts, Ant, etc...
Resource Sites
Code Samples
- Custom code for the Java equivalent of JavaScript's escape() and unescape().
(Note: JDK1.0 has, and JDK1.2 now has
Terms to look for: escape, unescape, encode, decode, HTML, HTTP)
- Browsers & Java Applets (My experience only!!!)
- Netscape 4 - Supports Java JDK 1.1
- Netscape 6 - Supports the Java JDK 1.2 (w/Swing Components)
- IE 4 - Supports Java JDK 1.1
- IE 5.5 - Supports Java JDK 1.1 (no Swing)
- HotJava 3.0 - Supports Java JDK 1.1.7b