Topic |
Notes |
Inner Classes |
- New feature of JDK 1.1
- inner class - classes that can be defined in any scope.
- Scopes: defined as a member of another class, or within a block of statements (a
method) or anonymously (no name) within an expression (statement).
- Inner classes have access to members within the enclosing scope.
- Members in inner classes cannot be static. In otherwords, only top level
classes may have statics.
- A static method in a top level class can access an inner class
if that class is defined as static.
Ex: static class MyIo_WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter
Types of classes |
Types of classes:
- Top Level - normal class. A class that is not within another
class. A class defined at the package level.
Example of .class naming:
- Outer Class - a class that has another class inside it. A top level
class is an outer class. Another example is inner class that has an inner class
inside it.
- Inner Class, at class level - a class defined
within another class, but not within a method.
Example of .class naming:
- Inner Class, at method level - a class defined
within another class, but not within a method.
Example of .class naming: (same as at class level)
- Anonymous Class - a class defined within another class, except it has
no name.
Example of .class naming:
TopLevelName$1.class - name of first anonymous .class
TopLevelName$2.class - "
second "
Inner Class, at
class level |
- Can access all of the instance variables of the top level class
- class MyTopClass {
// [Pub: Top Class Body here !!! ]
MyTopClassMethod() { } //Example of a method!
class MyInnerClass {
// [ Put: Inner Class Body here !!! ]
} //end of MyInnderClass
} //end of MyTopClass
Inner Class, at
method level |
- Can access all of the instance variables of the top level class along with any local
variables in the method.
- ??? (Marcus Green) Can only access variables at the level of the enclosing method if
they have been defined as final. This includes variables passed as parameters to the
enclosing method.
- public void MyMethod() {
class MyInnerClassMethod {}
Anonymous Class |
- Can access all of the instance variables of the top level class along with any local
variables in the method it is in.
- Anonymous classes cannot have constructors.
- Great for Event handeling.
Example of Event handeling:
- class MyTopClass {
{ new ClassType() { //Class Body} //Inner Class
} //end of MyTopClass
- //Anonymous Inner class to handle the event.
butFirst.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
{ cl.first( panCards );
System.out.println("Pressed butFirst");
} ); //inner class for addActionListener