by Michael Thomas
by Michael Thomas
To be able to view the .java file directly from my web site, without downloading the file, I suggest the following. (Warning: You need to be fairly literate in file types to be successful in these steps.) This is for Windows operating systems only.
Make the File Type ".java" use Notepad to open
.java files as a default. Here is the steps: (Note: wordpad.exe
and many editors will not work directly from web sites. The will work
fine once you've downloaded the file.)
Launch windows explorer. Then click on "View, Options". Then click on the "File Types" tab.
Now locate the registered file type for "JAVA" extension. Possibly "Java File" however there is no standard. Also it is my experience that it is difficult to look and find a certain file type.
Click on "Edit". Next select the "open" action and click on "Edit". Change the application used to perform this action to: "c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe" (Use the quotes also)
.jar - "Executable Jar File
Windows File Types (Use the "" to enclose the
paths. Change these examples for your situation
(Win95/98/2000/ME/XP/NT etc...).
Win NT
Wordpad - "c:\Program Files\WindowsNT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"
Notepad - "c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe"