Browsers & Java

by Michael Thomas

(Tutorial Home Page)

by Michael Thomas

(Tutorial Home Page)

Which Browser should I use?

I prefer MS IE (Internet Explorer).  However Netscape will work just fine.  Make sure you are using the latest versions.  Click here to find links to upgrading to a later version of the browser you use.


Enabling Java

Most browsers have a way to enable or disable the ability to allow Java applets to run.

Viewing the Java Console

You may want to view the Java Console if an Applet has problems loading or running.

Java Options and Browsers

Browser Versions and the JVM Implementation

Warning:  This is my notes from my experience and may not be correct.

Browsers implement a certain JVM version.  IE 5.5 has an option (ex: "Internet Options, Advanced: "Java 2 v1.4.0 for <applet>" under "Java (Sun)") to use an external JVM like Sun's JRE which will allow Applets to run with the latest version of Java JRE.  See my notes below. 

Other Problems:


Please email me if you encounter other problems or have solutions to any of the above problems.