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Create a Java Application
which shows the implementation of your knowledge of the following
concepts. You can use the Java API while creating your program and
the JDK's compiler to compile. No other resources can be used.
- #1, 10 pts: Place good comments in your
program. Also comment, using the inline comment //, each of
the metrics that you implemented (10pts). Make sure your
comment has the Metric #!!!
- #2, 10 pts: Create the Java class that does not extend any
classes and does not create a GUI frame. You will be using the
Java Console for all output. Make your class accessible
to the public. Also Create a _comile.bat
and an _run.bat file to compile and test your program.
The filename should follow this naming convention (without extention):
- Ex: If my name was Michael Arthur Thomas, then my .java file name
will be:
- Ex: The _compile.bat & _run.bat would be:
- #3, 10 pts: Create a main() method that will do the
- Instantiate your class (create an object).
- Run the method with the following signature:
public void executeProgram()
- #4, 10 pts: In the method executeProgram(), create a String
variable called strContent, which is local to executeProgram(),
with the following content (Note: 1) 4 lines in one String variable,
2) Use \r\n to create a carriage return & new line).
This is my example of using PrintWriter and BufferedReader class to
create a text file.
This is a simple test if every thing clicks.
I can't wait to get started.
Success is the name of the story.
- #5, 10 pts: Create a method that will display the contents
of a String to the Java console. Use the following method
private void displayToJavaConsole( String strMsg )
- #6, 10 pts: Display the String created in executeProgram()
to the Java Console using the method you just created.
- #7, 15 pts: Create a method that will write the contents of
strContent to a file. Call the method from
executeProgram() and pass the filename and strContent to the
method. Use PrintWriter to create the file. Make the
filename follow the following naming convention: P32<Lastname>_<Firstname>_<Middlename>_File.txt.
(Ex: If my name was Michael Arthur Thomas, then my file name
will be: P32_Thomas_Michael_Arthur_File.txt
- #8, 15 pts: Create a method that will read the contents of
the file you created and place the value in a variable named strFileContent
which is local to the method executeProgram(). Pass the
filename of the file into the method. Use BufferedReader
to read the file.
- #9, 10 pts: Pass the variable strFileContent to the method
displayToJavaConsole() so that you can test your program.