/* Example of: group by */ -- ****************************************** -- Setup the tables and data -- ****************************************** create table mycustomer ( custnum varchar(20) NOT NULL, custname varchar(50) NOT NULL ); create table myorder ( ordernum varchar(20) NOT NULL, orderdatetime timestamp NOT NULL, custnum varchar(20) NOT NULL ); create table myitem ( itemnum varchar(20) NOT NULL, itemtitle varchar(50) NOT NULL ); create table myorderitem ( ordernum varchar(20) NOT NULL, itemnum varchar(20) NOT NULL ); commit; -- myitem insert into myitem (itemnum, itemtitle) values ('BOK001', 'SQL for Oracle Survival Guide'); insert into myitem (itemnum, itemtitle) values ('BOK002', 'SQL for MSSQL Survival Guide'); insert into myitem (itemnum, itemtitle) values ('BOK003', 'SQL for MySQL Survival Guide'); insert into myitem (itemnum, itemtitle) values ('BOK004', 'Java Survival Guide'); insert into myitem (itemnum, itemtitle) values ('BOK005', 'Spring Survival Guide'); commit; -- mycustomer insert into mycustomer (custnum, custname) values ('CMP001', 'AAA Company'); insert into mycustomer (custnum, custname) values ('CMP002', 'ABC Company'); insert into mycustomer (custnum, custname) values ('CMP003', 'XYZ Company'); commit; -- myorder insert into myorder (ordernum, orderdatetime, custnum ) values ('ORD101', sysdate-1,'CMP001'); insert into myorder (ordernum, orderdatetime, custnum ) values ('ORD102', sysdate,'CMP001'); insert into myorder (ordernum, orderdatetime, custnum ) values ('ORD103', sysdate,'CMP001'); insert into myorder (ordernum, orderdatetime, custnum ) values ('ORD201', sysdate,'CMP002'); insert into myorder (ordernum, orderdatetime, custnum ) values ('ORD301', sysdate,'CMP003'); commit; -- myorderitem insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD101', 'BOK001'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD101', 'BOK004'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD101', 'BOK005'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD102', 'BOK002'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD103', 'BOK003'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD201', 'BOK004'); insert into myorderitem (ordernum, itemnum) values ('ORD301', 'BOK005'); -- ****************************************** -- Display all items in an order for all customers -- ****************************************** select cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, to_char(ord.orderdatetime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as "orderdatetime" from mycustomer cust left join myorder ord on ord.custnum = cust.custnum left join myorderitem orditm on orditm.ordernum = ord.ordernum order by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime; /* "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "orderdatetime" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" "05/26/2014" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" "05/26/2014" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" "05/26/2014" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD102" "05/27/2014" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD103" "05/27/2014" "CMP002" "ABC Company" "ORD201" "05/27/2014" "CMP003" "XYZ Company" "ORD301" "05/27/2014" */ -- ****************************************** -- Business Spec: -- Display the # of items in an order. -- ****************************************** -- group by & count added. select cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, to_char(ord.orderdatetime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as "orderdatetime", --ord.orderdatetime, count(orditm.itemnum) as "itemsinorder" -- select * from mycustomer cust left join myorder ord on ord.custnum = cust.custnum left join myorderitem orditm on orditm.ordernum = ord.ordernum group by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime order by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime; /* "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "orderdatetime" "itemsinorder" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" "05/26/2014" 3 "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD102" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD103" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP002" "ABC Company" "ORD201" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP003" "XYZ Company" "ORD301" "05/27/2014" 1 */ /* Results if using ord.orderdatetime vs to_char() "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "ORDERDATETIME" "itemsinorder" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" 26-MAY-14 PM 3 "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD102" 27-MAY-14 PM 1 "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD103" 27-MAY-14 PM 1 "CMP002" "ABC Company" "ORD201" 27-MAY-14 PM 1 "CMP003" "XYZ Company" "ORD301" 27-MAY-14 PM 1 */ -- ****************************************** -- Business Spec: -- Display the # of items in an order ONLY if the customer has more than 1 order. -- ****************************************** -- added having clause select cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, to_char(ord.orderdatetime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as "orderdatetime", --ord.orderdatetime, count(orditm.itemnum) as "itemsinorder" -- select * from mycustomer cust left join myorder ord on ord.custnum = cust.custnum left join myorderitem orditm on orditm.ordernum = ord.ordernum group by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime having count(orditm.itemnum) > 1 order by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime; /* "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "orderdatetime" "itemsinorder" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD101" "05/26/2014" 3 */ -- ****************************************** -- Business Spec: -- Select only the last order placed for a company. -- If the last date/times are the same then select the greater order number. -- ****************************************** -- Testing how to find the last order for a customer. -- This SQL Needs one more max! There is 2 records because the max dates are the same value. select ordernum from myorder where custnum = 'CMP001' and orderdatetime = (select max(orderdatetime) from myorder where custnum = 'CMP001'); /* "ORDERNUM" "ORD102" "ORD103" */ -- Testing how to find the last order for a customer. -- Select the last order placed only for a company. If the same date/time then the greater order number. select max(ordernum) from myorder where custnum = 'CMP001' and orderdatetime = (select max(orderdatetime) from myorder where custnum = 'CMP001'); /* "MAX(ORDERNUM)" "ORD103" */ -- Display the # of items in an order however only show the last item for a company. -- Filtering is done in the where clause. This filters data given to the group by. select cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, to_char (ord.orderdatetime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as "orderdate", count(orditm.itemnum) as "itemsinorder" -- select * from mycustomer cust left join myorder ord on ord.custnum = cust.custnum left join myorderitem orditm on orditm.ordernum = ord.ordernum where --Show only the last order placed for a company. If placed at the same time then the greater order number. ord.ordernum = (select max(ordernum) from myorder where custnum = cust.custnum and orderdatetime = (select max(orderdatetime) from myorder where custnum = cust.custnum) ) group by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime order by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime; /* "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "orderdate" "itemsinorder" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD103" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP002" "ABC Company" "ORD201" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP003" "XYZ Company" "ORD301" "05/27/2014" 1 */ -- Display the # of items in an order however only show the last item for a company. -- Filtering is done in the having clause. However, I would filter in the where clause instead. select cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, to_char (ord.orderdatetime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') as "orderdate", count(orditm.itemnum) as "itemsinorder" -- select * from mycustomer cust left join myorder ord on ord.custnum = cust.custnum left join myorderitem orditm on orditm.ordernum = ord.ordernum group by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime --Show only the last order placed for a company. If placed at the same time then the greater order number. having ord.ordernum = (select max(ordernum) from myorder where custnum = cust.custnum and orderdatetime = (select max(orderdatetime) from myorder where custnum = cust.custnum) ) order by cust.custnum, cust.custname, ord.ordernum, orderdatetime; /* "CUSTNUM" "CUSTNAME" "ORDERNUM" "orderdate" "itemsinorder" "CMP001" "AAA Company" "ORD103" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP002" "ABC Company" "ORD201" "05/27/2014" 1 "CMP003" "XYZ Company" "ORD301" "05/27/2014" 1 */ -- Drop all tables drop table MYCUSTOMER; drop table MYORDER; drop table MYITEM; drop table MYORDERITEM; commit;