General Notes
Telnet Notes
c:\> telnet <enter> (launches Telnet)
Microsoft Telnet> ? <enter> (Telnet command help)
Escape character: CTRL + ]
Set Local Echo On - so you can see what you type. WARNING: Win2000 & XP has a different command!
For Win 2000
C:\> telnet
Microsoft Telnet> set local_echo<enter>
For XP
C:\> telnet
Microsoft Telnet> set localecho<enter>
Replies: Local echo on
SMTP Log Files (default, if you checked logging enabled):
Once connected to the SMTP server via Telnet (see below)
help <enter>
The help is very, very limited (my experience).
Steps to test your SMTP server via Telnet
Try testing on the server first. Firewalls may restrict access from the internet.
Run Telnet from the command prompt:
C:\> telnet
If you are using Win 2000 the enter the following command to
see the characters you type:
If Win2000:
set local_echo<enter>
If XP: set localecho
Note about HostName or Server IP address
Use the IP address of a Ethernet Cards (c:\> ipconfig /all
Note: Look for the property called: IP Address
Open a connection to the ESMTP Mail Service
open <IP or hostname> 25
Ex Response (Win 2000 Server):
220 <your hostname> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version:
5.0.2195.6713 ready at Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:08:52 -0400
Send the following SMTP command sequences:
helo <IP or hostname> <enter>
Response: 250 <hostname> Hello <[your IP entry]>
mail from: <your email address><enter>
Response: 250 <email address> ... Sender OK
rcpt to: <recipient email address><enter>
Response: 250 <email address>
(Note: if you get a 550 error "Unable to relay for ..." then
change your SMTP properties under the "Access" Tab, "Relay"
restrictions: check "All except the list below" & check "Allow all
computers which successfully authenticate to relay, regardless of the
list above"
Response: 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
To: <To display email address><enter>
From: <From display email address><enter>
Subject:<Subject line info><enter>
<Enter body text here>
(Note: there is a period between the enter keys.)
Response: 250 ... Queued mail for delivery
Response: Service closing ....