Apache HTTP Server
My notes on Apache's HTTP Server.
My Windows Install Notes for Developer's localhost:80
Version 1.3.22 Install Steps:
- Download an run - apache_1.3.22-win32-x86.msi (Win2000 & ME)
Note: There is a link above for Windows install instructions.
Win 95,98 and other platforms are addressed.
- Server Information Screen
- Network Domain:
- Server Name:
- Administrator's Email Address: <your email address>
- Check - run as a service for all users.
- Check - Complete
- Use the default install folder (ex: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\).
- Install process will load files and end with a screen: Installation Wizard
- Reboot - so that the service will start.
- Test your install:
- Launch a browser.
- Goto local loop back domain - URL:
- If that works try the virtual domain for - URL: http://localhost
- Also try the above specifying the port: or http://localhost:80
This may come in handy if you run more than one http server and
configure use different ports.
If Problems ...
- netstat -a - This DOS command will show a list of ports
that have servers listening. Make sure port "80" is not
being used.
- To manually start the Apache web server click on Start, Programs, Apache
Http Server, Control Apache Server, Start.
- If the above doesn't work open up the error.log file found at:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\error.log
Open this file and look at the error. Now go to the FAQ link at the
top of this page and look for the error & possible resolution.
- I've had problems with VPN's and Firewalls.
VPN's & Firewall Notes
- VPN (Aventail Connect )
- Version 3.x - At the FAQ link above is a note & link to Aventail's
Knowledge Base Article 00586 which describes how to add Apache.exe to
the "Connect Exclusion List".
- Load Aventail
- Right click on the Aventail Connect Icon. Choose
"Configuration Tool"
- Choose the Advanced tab
- Under "Applications to Secure", click on "Secure
all applications except listed"
- Choose "Modify List"
- Click "Add" and browse to: C:\Program Files\Apache
- Choose File, Save
- Choose File, Make Active.
- If you use more than one profile you may need to do these steps to
- Version 4.x - This is my notes.
- Load Aventail.
- Right click on the Aventail Connect Icon. Choose
"Configuration Tool"
- Click on the "Internet" network Icon. You will
then see 2 tabs: Extranets & My Computer.
- Click on the "My Computer" tab.
- Click "Add" and browse to: C:\Program Files\Apache
- Choose File, Save
- Choose File, Make Active.
- If you use more than one profile you may need to do these steps to