Struts 1 & Eclipse - First Steps
(Note: Struts 2 Tutorial is Available!)

(Free Web Tutorial)

by Michael Thomas

Struts Home Page

NOTE: A Struts 2 tutorial is available!  I'm keeping this version of the Tutorial for those still working with Struts 1.

 This web page will help you get started with Struts 1.2.8 framework running on Tomcat 5.5 Web Application Server using the Eclipse 3.1.1 IDE.  This tutorial needs to be updated to the current versions but it should work as is.

The next section is "Reference Info".  Refer to it as needed.  Now skip to the section "First Steps - Struts & Eclipse (IDE)"

Reference info - Refer to this section as needed.  Now skip to the next section.

First Steps - Struts & Eclipse (IDE)

Setup Eclipse & the Struts Webapp

Code Changes via Eclipse (IDE) & Code Walk-through

Welcome to "My Struts Hello World"

This web app is an example of a "Hello World" type Struts application.

Logon- logon page for the webapp "mystruts-helloworld" (jsp).

Help- help instructions (html).

Congratulations, You have completed your Struts First Steps

Later possibly add the following:

