Struts 2 & Eclipse - Example Webapps

(Free Web Tutorial)

by Michael Thomas

Struts Home Page

In this tutorial you will setup Eclipse IDE projects so that you can edit and compile the Struts Example webapps that you optionally installed with Struts.
Note: On the "Struts Home Page", you can download the whole site (all content, tutorials & examples) !!!

This tutorial covers: Struts running on Apache Tomcat 6.0.16 (as of 05/25/08)



Table of Contents (Struts Webapps)

I would setup an Eclipse project for each of these webapps so you can edit & compile changes to files.  The option is yours.

Eclipse - Generic Steps for each Example Web App.

struts2-blank- - Apache Strut's example web app.

struts2-mailreader- - Apache Strut's example web app.

struts2-showcase- - Apache Strut's example web app.

struts2-rest-showcase- - Apache Strut's example web app.

struts2-portlet- - Apache Strut's example web app.