ASP Database Basics
These examples are designed to run from localhost using MS IIS
(Internet Information Services) web server.
- MS Access 2000 examples.
- DB2 examples.
- Setup the environment.
- First you must setup the database and tables.
- Create a new Windows user.
Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Computer
Management. Locate "System Tools", "Local
Users & Groups", "Users". Right click
on "Users" and choose "New User".
Username: mydbasp
Fullname & Description: <put something>
Password: mydbasp
Check: "User cannot change password" &
"Password never expires". All other unchecked.
- Run the script files have been provided: MyDbAsp_query_vbscript_db2.sql.
I executed the scripts in the "Command Center" application's
"Script" tab. Make sure you cut and past the
script, then highlight the script and press the Gears icon in
the upper left.
- Create a System DSN (Data Source Name) via Programs, Control
Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Source (ODBC).
- Add
- Choose: IBM DB2 ODBC Driver
- Database Source Name: MyDbAsp
Database Alias: Pick "MYDBASP" (created by
- You are now ready to run the ASP links below.
- DB Basics (DB2 Connection & Query) (ASP)
- DB Basics (DB2- Add & Delete Record using Procedures) (ASP)