DB2 Resources
This web page has notes on using DB2. I'm not a DB2 person and that's
why I'm creating this page. For my reference and maybe it will help you.
My Notes
- Using the JDBC-ODBC bridge w/Windows
- driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
- url example: jdbc:odbc:mydatabase
- Using IBM's drivers w/Windows
- driver: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver
- url example: jdbc:db2://localhost/mydatabase
- Possible Driver location for windows: "c:\Program Files\Sqllib\cc\c2\db2java.zip"
Questions I want answered
- How do you execute an external SQL script while in the "Command
- If I import a SQL script that I saved while in the Script tab my machine
will hang. Is there a solution?
- Click on the Script Tab. Steps: Enter
some SQL, Click on "Script, Save
Script", now try to import the script.
- Is there a GUI interface to list and edit records in a table similar to MS