Flash & JavaScript & Applets
- flashapplet.zip - zip file (includes source)
of all of these examples.
- MyFlashJavaScriptApplet -
Example of Flash talking to JavaScript and JavaScript talking to an
Applet. (Netscape Note: You
must have the swLiveConnect="true" property of the embed
tag.) Warning: I think MAC doesn't support JavaScript to
Applet (IE and maybe Netscape).
- index_main.html (Flash to JavaScript to Applet)
- This is a more involved example of Flash to JavaScript to Applet and
back. This solutions involves a mini movie (FSCommand.swf) that
handles the fscommand() and places Flash in to a wait loop looking for a
response from JavaScript (and the Applet).
- main.fla (source) - Main movie that loades the FSCommand.swf into a
movie clip called "FSCommand" and the application "MyFlashApplet.swf"
in tho a movie clip called "MainApp"
- FSCommand.fla (source) - handles the calls to fscommand() and waits
for a response from the JavaScript (and Applet).
- MyFlashApplet.fla (source) - the Flash application that communicates
to JavaScript which in turn communicates with the Applet.
- MyFlashApplet.java (source) - communicates with JavaScript storing
information and returning result codes.
- index_main.html - The web page that loades the Flash movie (main.swf)
and the applet (MyFlashApplet.class). Also has the JavaScript that
communicates to Flash and the Applet.