HTML Resources
This web page is dedicated to HTML technology and examples. I'm only posting
examples as needed.
- - World
Wide Web consortium.
- Here you can download the HTML 4.0 specifications. However,
remember that your browser may not implement the spec. IE5.5 and
NS6.0 began implementing HTML 4.0 specs.
Tutorials & References
My Examples
- HTML & Meta Tags
- HTML & Links
- HTML Tables
- Tables - How tables
- Tables (Cell Examples) - Simple
example of Tables & Cells.
- Tables (Colgroup & Col tags)
- COLGROUP & COL tags. Works best with IE5.5, problems with NS
4.x & 6.
- Tables (thead, tbody, tfoot) - n/a . thead-table header, tbody-table
body, tfoot-table footer.
- HTML Lists - Examples of HTML lists:
<DL>, <UL>, <OL>
- HTML Forms
- Frames
- Layers - Covers some brief info
on <div>,<span>,<layer>,<ilayer>
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