Michael Thomas
Personal Mission Statement:
To build interdependent relationships around the 4 L's of life: to Love, to Live,
to Learn, to leave a Legacy.
Personal Business Mission Statement:
"To leave a legacy by helping other business professionals enjoy success."
Songwriting Mission Statement:
Leave a Legacy one song at a time.
Dance Mission Statement:
To inspire chemistry
and creativity in couples dancing.
Java, Java Tools, Java Products, Tomcat,
Struts, Eclipse, etc...
Also prepare for the Sun Certified Java
Exam. |
Dance Email List
Waynesville NC, Bryson City NC & Cartersville GA
(also Dance Workshops, Lessons & Events)

Songwriting, Church songs (words & chords) and Music
Nantahala River Area
My brother
& mom owns the above companies on the Nantahala River in Wesser NC by
the Smokey Mountains. |
May 22, 2015.
Search Engine Information
Site Keywords: Songwriting, Original
music, Michael Thomas
Site Description: This site focuses on Songwriting and Web
Site Focus:
Songwriting and Web Technologies.